Callous or Hyperkeratosis is a buildup of hard, thick areas of skin. They form on the weight-bearing areas of your feet and are body’s way of protecting the underlying skin from the irritation and pressure.
Cause of callous build up:
- Toe or foot deformities i.e. bunions, hammer toes
- Ill fitting shoes
- Existing medical conditions i.e. arthritis
- Foot alignment/ biomechanical concerns i.e. flat foot or rolled in ankles
Symptoms of callous:
- Hard, yellow, thickened skin commonly on the side of the big and little toes, balls of feet and around the borders of the heels.
- Burning sensation, when skin buildup is thick.
- Visible red dots when the pressure has caused the underlying blood vessels to burst.
- Wounds will form under the hard skin if not treated in a timely manner.
If they left untreated:
- They can get larger in size
- Get painful
- Make walking difficult
At MediFeet Clinic will help you painlessly remove the callus and provide you with prevention strategies to stop if coming back.
The removal of callouses is important if you are a diabetic and should be treated by Podiatrist to prevent the risk of wounds and ulcers occurring.